The wedding morning 1892 - John Henry Frederick Bacon (1866 – 1913)
Wedding of Nicholas II and Grand Princess Alexandra Fyodorovna - Tuxen Laurits (1853–1927)
The Unequal Marriage, 1862 - Vasily Vladimirovich Pukirev
Dance in the City, 1882-1883 - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
At the altar, 1870s - Firs Sergeevich Zhuravlev
The Wedding of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox, 1729 - William Hogarth (British, 1697–1764)
The wedding march - Edmund Blair Leighton
Till death us do part - Edmund Blair Leighton
Signing the register - Edmund Blair Leighton
The Arnolfini Wedding - Jan Van Eyck
Bride getting groomed for the wedding - Harrison Fisher
Pensive bride - Harrison Fisher
Wedding ceremony - Harrison Fisher
Undue Haste - Harrison Fisher